
Mapping the network of Norwegian oil and gas interests

A Social Network Analysis of oil- and gas interests in Norway 2021-2022

The goal of this project has been to map out the potential influence that oil and gas interests might have on other influential stakeholders in Norwegian society. To do so, we have utilized social network analysis (SNA) to map the network that oil and gas companies and interest organizations have within the broader Norwegian society.

We measure formal power – the control of businesses, organizations and political parties alike. As such we measure both network, formal influence and co-governance. Our analysis is based on data on board participation, executive management, membership in government and parliament, as well as participation in networks, state appointed boards, councils or committees.

We define oil and gas interests as individuals that represent organizations that have a vested interest in the continuation of oil- and gas exploration and extraction. We find that oil and gas interests are well-connected within a network of very well-connected individuals and organizations overall in Norway.

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November 1, 2023